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School Refusal

Difficulties We Work With

What is School Refusal?

School can be an exciting, yet challenging experience. However, sometimes the idea of going to school can cause severe distress for a young person. A young person’s experience of school can be influenced by many factors such as family life, learning ability, and peer relationships. Experiencing difficulties in this area can lead to a negative experience of school, which can lead to a reluctance to go to school and actively avoiding school. School refusal refers to young people who do not attend school or do not stay at school for the duration of the day.

School refusal can occur at any point of school, however, is likely to occur during high school. Some common factors contributing to school refusal include:

  • Bullying
  • Difficulty in peer relationships
  • Fear/difficulties with teachers
  • Transition to high school
  • Family stress
  • Traumatic life event
  • Academic difficulties

Some indicators that your child may be experiencing school refusal include:

  • Frequent and unexplained absences from school
  • Frequent lateness to school
  • Absences on significant days (e.g., days on which tests or specific classes are scheduled)
  • Frequent requests to go to sick bay
  • Frequent requests to call home or to go home during the day
  • Signs of School Refusal In the home
  • Complaints of physical symptoms when getting reading for school, e.g. headaches
  • A reluctance or refusal to get dressed for school
  • Negative comments about school
  • A reluctance to talk openly about their experiences at school