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Difficulties We Work With

What is Anger?

Like most emotions, anger is common and normal to experience from time to time. Whilst it is normal to experience anger on occasion, it can begin to become a problem if it seems out of control or if it is impacting relationships. An individual with anger issues also may experience anger more often, or to a more severe degree.

People may feel angry for several different reasons, however common reasons for feeling angry can include stress, family problems, experiencing failure or injustice, or financial issues.

Anger is often described as an intense feeling of displeasure. When we feel angry, we experience physical symptoms in our body, as well as emotional symptoms. These symptoms may occur before, during, or after an immediate surge of anger.

Some common symptoms include:

  • Increased blood pressure or heart rate
  • Tingling sensations
  • Muscle tension
  • Feeling irritable or frustrated
  • Rage
  • Stress
  • Guilt
  • Feeling overwhelmed or anxious

Common signs which may indicate you are experiencing anger issues include:

  • Frequently feeling angry
  • Being unable to control your anger
  • Your anger is impacting your relationships
  • Your anger is hurting others
  • Your anger causes you to say or do things you may later regret
  • You are verbally or physically abusive