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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Addressing mood swings in yourself and others

Posted by admin 6:29 am, 27 July 2015

Emotions are usually caused by an internal or external trigger.

People have mood swings because for lots of reasons:

E.g. Tiredness, stress, reaction to others, relationship problems, mental health issues.

How to cope with your own mood swings:

Stop what you are doing and...

Who is the partner with the secure attachment style?

Posted by admin 8:28 pm, 19 July 2015

I have been reading Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller and when reading about securely attached individuals, do any of you scratch your head and wonder how these anomalies exist in the world?  Okay, maybe it’s just me. But these individuals have been coined the super humans of evolution...

How to get a good nights’ sleep!

Posted by admin 4:19 am, 9 July 2015

Sleep is a very important factor in maintaining good mental health. When sleep quality is poor, it makes it hard to cope with life’s challenges and can make you feel like you’re running on empty. When sleep quality is poor, it’s...

Narcissism and Shame on Social Media: An Interview with Mary C. Lamia, Ph.D.

Posted by admin 8:13 am, 3 July 2015

What emotions would you say are the most prevalent in your daily life?  Joy? Sadness? Anger?  Fear?  With the obvious answers, it’s a natural to overlook Shame.  After all, how often do we experience shame on a day-to-day basis?  Sigmund Freud argued that shame and repressed emotion are paramount...

Do you have an internal or external locus of control?

Posted by admin 10:34 am, 26 June 2015

Locus of control refers to the extent to which individuals believe they can control events affecting them. The concept was developed by Julian B. Rotter in 1954, and has since become an aspect of personality studies and an issue that is often discussed in therapy.

When individuals have an internal...


Posted by admin 4:26 am, 17 June 2015

I have just finished reading  Making Hope Happen: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others by Lopez.

Lopez views hope like oxygen in that we cannot live without hope. This theory contradicts previous theories on the subject however i found Lopez’s theory fits well within our...

De-escalating Aggression

Posted by admin 10:30 am, 14 June 2015

Helping to de-escalate aggression

Many clients ask me for advice on how to de-escalate aggressive situations. The most common situation that I am asked about is aggressive behaviour by a teenager towards a parent, but aggression can also occur between partners and at work. What is important...

4-7-8 Falling Asleep Technique Invented By Harvard Professor Weil

Posted by admin 8:30 pm, 9 June 2015

How to perform the 4-7-8 technique:

Take the position that is most comfortable for you: sitting, standing, laying. If you are sitting hold your back in a straight position. Put the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth and hold it there during this exercise.

Breathe through...

Being Assertive

Posted by admin 10:11 am, 27 May 2015

Assertiveness is a core skill that allows people to communicate effectively with loved ones, friends and work colleagues, and allows people to have successful and rewarding relationships with others. It is essential in helping people communicate in an emotionally intelligent way that takes the needs...


Posted by admin 8:46 pm, 19 May 2015

As I get ready for a trip it makes me wonder what is it in the brain that activates this sense of excitement and pleasure. there has been ample research suggesting the benefits of traveling and mental health. Psychologists and neurospsychologists have researched extensively and have found that spending...